
Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Drug trade between Mexico and the United states Essay

Drug trade between Mexico and the United states - Essay Examplea Frequently asked questions musical mode with a series of questions such as who are the major players, What are the risks of using soldiers in the oppose instead of police? and What progress has President Caldern made dismantling cartels?Border scholars have on the whole rejected the claim that the U.S.Mexico bounce has been dissolved by late modern cross butt on migrations of capital, people, and practices. This article proposes that border policing in the wake of September 11, 2001, surfaces the long-standing relative incoherence of U.S. geopolitical and geoeconomic practice. The author describes the border as a security/economy nexus in U.S. statecraft.This article examines the militarization and transnationalization of the U.S. war on medicines as a liberal technique for identifying populations that must be governed in other ways. It begins by placing its relationship with the rise of the penal state in the con text of neoliberalism in the U.S., then examines the geopolitics of its transnationalization in context of neoliberal governance in the Americas, and finishes by examining some of the empirical outcomes of this articulation between neoliberalization and punitive illiberalization in the Americas. It presents political geographical inquiry that links globalization and criminalization and maps out the geographically particular and historically continuous ways in the context of the war on drugs.This is the official website of the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). It has accurate information about drug trafficking in each U.S. state. It also provides government press releases and the official view of the U.S. Government on the border situation and the role of drug trafficking and the cartels in its policing.This website traces the history of the drug trafficking between Mexico and the U. S. from 1998-2009. It also identifies the attempts that both countries are making to stop this war. It provides links to hundreds of other articles on the

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